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加拉太书 2 [简体:NIV]   
  1. 过了十四年,我同巴拿巴又上耶路撒冷去,并带着提多同去。
  2. 我是奉启示上去的,把我在外邦人中所传的福音,对弟兄们陈说。却是背地里对那有名望之人说的。惟恐我现在,或是从前,徒然奔跑。
  3. 但与我同去的提多,虽是希利尼人,也没有勉强他受割礼。
  4. 因为有偷着引进来的假弟兄,私下窥探我们在基督耶稣里的自由,要叫我们作奴仆。
  5. 我们就是一刻的工夫,也没有容让顺服他们,为要叫福音的真理仍存在你们中间。
  1. Fourteen years later I went up again to Jerusalem, this time with Barnabas. I took Titus along also.
  2. I went in response to a revelation and set before them the gospel that I preach among the Gentiles. But I did this privately to those who seemed to be leaders, for fear that I was running or had run my race in vain.
  3. Yet not even Titus, who was with me, was compelled to be circumcised, even though he was a Greek.
  4. This matter arose because some false brothers had infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and to make us slaves.
  5. We did not give in to them for a moment, so that the truth of the gospel might remain with you.
  1. 至于那些有名望的,不论他是何等人,都与我无干。神不以外貌取人。那些有名望的,并没有加增我什么。
  2. 反倒看见了主托我传福音给那未受割礼的人,正如托彼得传福音给那受割礼的人。
  3. (那感动彼得,叫他为受割礼之人作使徒的,也感动我,叫我为外邦人作使徒)
  4. 又知道所赐给我的恩典,那称为教会柱石的雅各,叽法,约翰,就向我和巴拿巴用右手行相交之礼,叫我们往外邦人那里去,他们往受割礼的人那里去。
  5. 只是愿意我们记念穷人。这也是我本来热心去行的。
  1. As for those who seemed to be important--whatever they were makes no difference to me; God does not judge by external appearance--those men added nothing to my message.
  2. On the contrary, they saw that I had been entrusted with the task of preaching the gospel to the Gentiles, just as Peter had been to the Jews.
  3. For God, who was at work in the ministry of Peter as an apostle to the Jews, was also at work in my ministry as an apostle to the Gentiles.
  4. James, Peter and John, those reputed to be pillars, gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship when they recognized the grace given to me. They agreed that we should go to the Gentiles, and they to the Jews.
  5. All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do.
  1. 后来叽法到了安提阿,因他有可责之处,我就当面抵挡他。
  2. 从雅各那里来的人,未到以先,他和外邦人一同吃饭。及至他们来到,他因怕奉割礼的人,就退去与外邦人隔开了。
  3. 其馀的犹太人,也都随着他装假。甚至连巴拿巴也随夥装假。
  4. 但我一看他们行的不正,与福音的真理不合,就在众人面前对矶法说,你既是犹太人,若随外邦人行事,不随犹太人行事,怎麽还勉强外邦人随犹太人呢。
  5. 我们这生来的犹太人,不是外邦的罪人,
  1. When Peter came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he was clearly in the wrong.
  2. Before certain men came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles. But when they arrived, he began to draw back and separate himself from the Gentiles because he was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcision group.
  3. The other Jews joined him in his hypocrisy, so that by their hypocrisy even Barnabas was led astray.
  4. When I saw that they were not acting in line with the truth of the gospel, I said to Peter in front of them all, "You are a Jew, yet you live like a Gentile and not like a Jew. How is it, then, that you force Gentiles to follow Jewish customs?
  5. "We who are Jews by birth and not 'Gentile sinners'
  1. 既知道人称义,不是因行律法,乃是因信耶稣基督,连我们也信了基督耶稣,使我们因信基督称义,不因行律法称义,因为凡有血气的,没有一人因行律法称义。
  2. 我们若求在基督里称义,却仍旧是罪人,难道基督是叫人犯罪的麽。断乎不是。
  3. 我素来所拆毁的,若重新建造,这就证明自己是犯罪的人。
  4. 我因律法就向律法死了,叫我可以向神活着。
  5. 我已经与基督同钉十字架。现在活着的,不再是我,乃是基督在我里面活着。并且我如今在肉身活着,是因信神的儿子而活,他是爱我,为我舍己。
  1. know that a man is not justified by observing the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by observing the law, because by observing the law no one will be justified.
  2. "If, while we seek to be justified in Christ, it becomes evident that we ourselves are sinners, does that mean that Christ promotes sin? Absolutely not!
  3. If I rebuild what I destroyed, I prove that I am a lawbreaker.
  4. For through the law I died to the law so that I might live for God.
  5. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
  1. 我不废掉神的恩。义若是藉着律法得的,基督就是徒然死了。
  1. I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!"
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